Saturday, November 7, 2009

Temporate Seasonal Activity: Leaf-raking

I'm very happy to have had this beautifully sunny fall day to enjoy
quiet, with that man coming here for his annual leaf-raking
pilgrimage. Instead he's spending the day caring for the "other"
house, presumably raking deciduous leaves, trimming branches, and
generally neatening up. Although I would enjoy more the presence of
another human family keeping me warm inside, I can deal with enjoying
the delightful wet smell of decaying leaves in my housely solitude.


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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mid-Fall '09 trim #2

Oh! Really! At least the neighbor humans know how stay inside & the
Steelers chase a little pigskin ball....


Mid-Fall '09 trim #1

He calls it a trim ... I call it "unwarranted human intrusion" -- I
like my solitude up here on this Wilkins Twp hill!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rearview Podcamp Pittsburgh 4

These humans just don't get it. They try to get together in their little podcamp sessions to "Learn. Interact. Apply." but what are they really accomplishing?

I'd like to know of just 5 new things to have come out of Podcamp Pittsburgh 4. Can you tell me? Leave a comment or send email to houseforlorn[at]gmail[dot]com.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pre G-20 Haircut

Well, he's back, giving my lawn and bushes a pre-G-20 trim. I suspect
that I'll get at least one more pre- Podcamp Pittsburgh 4, which is
coming up on October 10 & 11 at Pittsburgh's Art Institute. Why
humans wouldn't have an entry fee for PCPGH4 is beyond me. But, what
do I know ... I'm just a house!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jealous Cabinetry

Whoa, yeah, baby! My cabinets would definitely be jealous were these
to be affixed to them!

He found this ad for - the site for the
Splash Luxury Home Collection, in the July 2009 issue of Whirl
magazine. While he's at it, he could install a pool from
- now, that'd really steam my windows! :-)


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Free at last! #3

Free at last! #2

Those tiger lilies! See how nice they can be when he weeds all the
grass from around them?


Free at last! #1

Looks like he's leaving, finally ... but he can leave those flowers
here for me to enjoy! :-)


Ahhhh, trimmed privets on my backside!


Idyllic Western Pennsylvania location for a forlorn house

Need I say more? The driveway does look nice, once he trims the grass,
though I hope he goes soon -- the chirping, singing birds here have
such a beautiful continuous a capella chorus going all around me, even
with the staccato beat of a nearby woodpecker.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tiger Lilies 2


Tiger Lilies 1

Finally, my favorite flora are bursting forth here in Wilkins Township!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ignominious Downgrade to Vacation Home!

So, he's thinking I'm his vacation home, now. What have I done to
deserve such treatment?!

Maybe if he puts a perception kayak in here, I can coax an elephant to
sit on it. Any elephants in Wilkins Township?


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Veni, vidi, vici?

Well, he came, he saw, and he... cut the grass, trimmed hedges, and
counted some 35 new phyllostachys vivax culms coming up. Now he's gone
again, high-tailing it for that oh-so-human thing, church.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Well, I guess if...

... he's going to do such a nice job trimming the yard and culling out
dead bamboo culms, he can come here periodically ...

That man again!

Must be summer! He's come to cut my grass ... hope he just sells me
this year!


Friday, April 10, 2009

Favorite Bac'n

What kind of bacn does a house like to see in its inbox? How about
weekly house-beautiful tips from HGTV's Frontdoor?


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Am I so beautiful????

Am I so beautiful that you have photograph me with my leaves on the
ground?! Why are you peering so intently from amongst the 'boo culms?
Have you never seen such a comely house before?

Bah! Men! Go away!


Green, green hosta rising from Winter's ground!