Sunday, October 26, 2008

Owner Says "We're Using"

I don't understand this computer stuff.

I'm just a simple house, in a simple neighborhood, in a simple town, in a simple, county...well you get the idea. Computer stuff is way beyond me.

I like simple things, like wood framing, pvc plumbing, photovoltaics, hemlock trees, phyllostachys bamboo, freshly-mown grass (ahem!), forced-air heating, beautiful sunrises, etc.

When my owner says we're moving the House Forlorn Reads podcast to just doesn't mean anything to me. I didn't know what Apple's iWeb was before, and I don't know what is now. Suffice it to say, he's always trying something new, pushing the envelope. As long as he's not pushing me, I'm fine.

But the grass... Now that's something I'd like him to push something over. Like a lawnmower for the rolling expanses of meadow, a weed trimmer around the curbs, and a couple of muddy knees in the frost-killed flower beds. That's all I ask. Is it too much?


House Forlorn Reads 3:

House Forlorn Reads 2:

House Forlorn Reads 1:

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