Tuesday, September 30, 2008

House Forlorn #6 - Sad, But Happy & Hopeful

Can you be sad, and yet happy and hopeful? Can you be despondent, and yet see the glimmer of hope somewhere in the darkness? Can you spend a weekend putting together a supportive yet protective bank bailout package, and yet fail to...

...but I digress.

I'm a sad little house, but I see glimmers of hope in the marketplace...far off from this high hillside I sit on. Russia, the US of A, and Starfleet welcome oldest-of-nations China into the self-propelled & peopled space-faring community. Blackberry and iPhone welcome Android into the community of smart-phone operating systems. And Dinosaurs that breathe like birds welcome the 45th Mersenne Prime into the world of science.

Here, let me illustrate these points:

[House Forlorn #6 on Chogger]

Do you have any comments on these blog posts? Are you a house in search of humans, a search that has thus far proved fruitless? Post a comment here, or drop me a line at houseforlorn[at]gmail[dot]com.


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