Saturday, September 27, 2008

PCPGH3 "Friday 5" round 1

Like most American houses connected to the internet, I try to stay up with the times, though the pace of human society sometimes blows me away. I remember, way back in 1929, my fellow houses in the neighborhood...

...but, I digress. A particularly keen human, Ms. Dawn Papuga, is keeping her fellow local bloggers, podcasters and video producers on their social media toes. As I tap into the maelstrom, I've found the following questions she asked of her fellow social media PCPGH3 pals:

1. What brought you to Social Media and what keeps you hanging around?

2. Which social networking tool gives you the shakes when it’s not updated or is experiencing down time? (Podcasts, Blogs, Micro-blogging, etc)

3. What kind of insight could you offer to others on a topic at PCPGH3? If none, then what do you most want to hear more about?

These are really good questions...but does a house really have a right to chime in on human affairs? Alright, I guess I did a wee bit of chiming in yesterday with this lamentation of a particular friend to houses...but really folks, what can I say?

Well, let me at least try.

For the first question, I call on a friend who is comic-stripping these days, down at Pittsburgh's own

As for question #2, I have a somewhat unexpected answer:

We houses have to stick together and keep track of our livelihood. Our stock in trade, so to speak, is our individual and collective valuations, and some of that valuation is tied up in the bank loans that you humans give to each other to buy us. I like to keep up on the human companies who grant these loans, see who might be loaning to fellow humans in my neighborhood, etc...and chat with my fellow houses behind the geise of internet screen-names, etc. After all, on the 'net, as the saying goes, no one really knows that your just a house surfing the 'net.

So, Yahoo!'s finance site is where I like to go for information and community...and it irks me when the site is down (admittedly seldom) or when information on a company's recent SEC filings have not yet made onto the company's Finance set of pages.

As for the third question, what can I offer attendee's of PCPGH3?

Although I'm just a lonely human-built structure up high on a hill, and really cannot attend these events, I suggest you (I presume that my readers are human...if you're another house, lurking behind a computer screen [or tapping in through the packets on those networking cables that humans string through us], drop me a line at houseforlorn[at]gmail[dot]com) make use of these functions to get out and meet with your fellow humans, learn what technologies they're using to communicate with, and become facile with those technologies. This CDO-inspired recession will end sometime, and when it does, these technologies will take the world by storm...or may do so sooner, as they're cheaper to use than a Gulfstream V for gettin' around (not that I could fit on such a small jet...I'd need something a bit bigger, perhaps a Galaxy-class row-boat).



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